SOC 2 Compliant
Beam is an SOC 2 Type II compliant company. Enquire about our certification by emailing us at support@beam.ai.
GDPR Compliant
Beam abides by the General Data Protection Regulations. Enquire about our certification at support@beam.ai.
HIPAA Compliant
Automating in healthcare requires us to be on top of the latest regulations and patient protection.
Training Employees
All existing and new employees must go through security training. There are also refresher sessions once a year.
Backs up Automatically
All the data that users agree to share is backed up automatically and maintained for a 30-day period.
Breach Handling
In the event of a security breach or incident, we have the necessary protocols in-place to safeguard data and control potential damage.
Data Encryption
With AES-256 and TLS standards, sensitive data is encrypted, specially chats between users and the platform.
Security Tests
We consult the best in the industry when testing our security protocols, from testing the propensity for unwanted penetration to scanning domains for vulnerabiilities.
Service Level Agreements
Beam is quick to communicate the status of its service in the event of downtimes, we also boast 99% server uptime.