Configuring Your First AI Agent

Once you’ve created your agent, it’s time to configure it to ensure it performs effectively and aligns with your specific needs.

Configuring Your First AI Agent

Once you’ve created your agent, it’s time to configure it to ensure it performs effectively and aligns with your specific needs.

Configuring Your First AI Agent

Once you’ve created your agent, it’s time to configure it to ensure it performs effectively and aligns with your specific needs.

Configuring Your Agent

This involves multiple elements that come together to form a cohesive system, ensuring your agent not only functions but excels in its tasks. This section is pivotal to the agent’s optimisation as it allows you to:

Define and refine the agent’s core identity and role.

Seamless integration with third-party systems such as ACME, Contoso, and
other APIs.

Equip the agent with workflows that automate key processes.

Add and customise tools that power specific actions.

Integrate external platforms and data sources to enhance its capabilities.

Set triggers that automate responses to specific events.

Let’s dive into each aspect, detailing how you can effectively set up your agent for success.

Summary: Monitor Your Agent’s Setup

The Summary section provides a quick overview of your agent’s current configuration, showing the number of workflows and tools assigned. This section updates dynamically as you add or modify components, giving you a snapshot of the agent’s current capabilities.

Settings: Define Your Agent’s Identity

The Settings section is where you define your agent’s basic identity, setting the foundation for its operation.


  1. Navigate to the Settings tab within Configuration.

  1. Update the Name and Description fields as needed.

  1. Choose or upload a custom avatar/image to represent the agent visually.

  1. Save your changes.

Character: Shape Your Agent’s Personality

Character settings influence how your agent interacts during conversations, ensuring that its responses align with your brand’s tone and communication style.


  1. In the Character tab, fill in the Personality field with traits that align with your brand’s communication style.

  1. Specify any Restrictions to refine the agent’s scope of interaction.

  1. Test the character settings within the agent’s Dashboard to ensure it behaves as intended.

Review the Optimising Agent Behavior section for additional instructions.

Workflows: Automate Your Processes

Configuring workflows is essential for automating your agent’s tasks, enabling it to handle complex processes effectively.

Choosing Workflows: Templates vs. Custom

  • Templates: Ideal when existing templates match your needs, saving setup time. Use pre-built workflows for standard tasks like customer support, data processing, or scheduling.

  • Custom Workflows: Best for unique requirements that aren’t covered by templates. Build workflows tailored to your specific processes, allowing full control over each task step, conditions, and tool integrations.

Choosing Workflows: Templates vs. Custom

  1. Accessing Workflows

Navigate to Configuration > Workflows. This section lists all workflows linked to your agent. Agents created from templates will have workflows already present, while custom agents will require workflow setup from scratch.

  1. Adding Workflows

From Templates: Click “Add from templates” to explore available workflows. Select relevant workflows by checking their boxes; they’ll be instantly added to your agent.

Create Custom Workflow: Choose “Create custom workflow” to develop a workflow tailored to your needs. Define each task step, set specific conditions, and assign necessary tools.

  1. Editing Workflow Steps

Open a workflow to view and modify its steps. You can add, remove, rename, or reorder steps to improve the workflow’s functionality. Ensure logical flow and correct tool assignment at each step to avoid errors.

  1. Optimising Workflows

  • Regular testing and adjustments are crucial. If workflows aren’t functioning as expected, review task steps, conditions, and tool connections. Our guide on workflow optimisation provides insights into structuring workflows for maximum efficiency.

Tools: Power Your Workflows

Tools are integral to your workflows, powering specific tasks like data extraction or automated communications. These tools can be selected from a pre-existing library or custom-built for specific needs.

  • Purpose: Tools equip workflows with the functionality to execute defined actions effectively.

  • Integration: Integrate relevant tools directly into your workflows for smooth operation.


  1. Open the Tools tab in Configuration.

  1. Add existing tools by selecting them from the gallery or create new custom tools.

  1. Link the tools to corresponding task steps in your workflows for enhanced functionality.

Memory: Enhance Your Agent’s Contextual Understanding

Memory allows your agent to reference data during task execution, improving its ability to respond accurately and execute workflows efficiently.

  • Purpose: Incorporate data into your agent’s memory to provide contextual responses and enhance task performance.

  • Data Sources: Add relevant data sources that the agent can reference as needed.


  1. Go to the Memory tab in Configuration.

  1. Click “Add Data” to include documents or data sources.

  1. Test the agent’s performance with the new memory inputs to ensure improved outputs.

Integrations: Connect to External Platforms

Integrations enable your agent to connect with external platforms, expanding its capabilities beyond the built-in features.

  • Purpose: Enhance your agent’s functionality by connecting to external services like Gmail, Slack, or custom APIs.

  • Custom Integrations: Develop bespoke connections using OpenAPI specifications for proprietary systems.


  1. Open the Integrations tab in Configuration.

  1. Select from the available integrations or create a custom integration.

  1. Connect the integration to relevant workflows and test its performance.

Triggers: Automate Workflow Execution

Triggers are conditions that automatically activate workflows, such as specific events or schedules.

  • Purpose: Set up automated responses, ensuring workflows are executed promptly and accurately.

  • Examples: Use triggers for new incoming emails, scheduled tasks, or webhook events.


  1. Navigate to the Triggers tab in Configuration.

  1. Choose from existing triggers or create custom ones to suit your needs.

  1. Test triggers to ensure they activate the correct workflows under the right conditions.

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