AI Agent Use Cases

Auto CDI Work

Accurately integrate ICD-10 and CPT codes into documentation, mimicking in-visit CDI teamwork

AI Agent Use Cases

Auto CDI Work

Accurately integrate ICD-10 and CPT codes into documentation, mimicking in-visit CDI teamwork

AI Agent Use Cases

Auto CDI Work

Accurately integrate ICD-10 and CPT codes into documentation, mimicking in-visit CDI teamwork



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Streamline the documentation process within the electronic health record (EHR) systems

The implementation of AI in Automated Clinical Documentation Improvement (CDI) at a significant healthcare facility has proven to be a breakthrough. This AI-enhanced approach not only streamlined the documentation process within the electronic health record (EHR) systems but also markedly improved the accuracy and efficiency for clinicians and CDI teams. Notably, this integration led to a substantial reduction in the time required to respond to queries by 50%.

Impact Across Healthcare Industry

In a case study by 3M Health Information Systems, AI-powered Clinical Documentation Improvement (CDI) significantly enhanced operations at a large flagship hospital in the Eastern United States. The implementation of 3M™ M*Modal CDI Engage One™ delivered proactive clinical insights directly to physicians, improving documentation accuracy and efficiency. It streamlined physician workflows within the electronic health record (EHR) system and bolstered confidence among clinicians by providing immediate value on high-priority objectives

Improving Workflows for B2B Clients

It optimized physician workflows, ensuring that documentation was both accurate and complete, which is critical for appropriate coding and reimbursement. A case study underlines the substantial benefits of employing AI in healthcare documentation, promising enhanced operational efficiency and better patient care outcomes. It streamlined physician workflows within the electronic health record (EHR) system and bolstered confidence among clinicians by providing immediate value on high-priority objectives.

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